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Financial Information

Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham is an all through voluntary aided school.

We are focused on delivering an outstanding education for all our pupils. We strive to ensure financial probity and that all areas of the school’s budget are managed efficiently and effectively.

School governors play an integral role at Trinity. They act as ‘critical friends’, rigorously challenging all strategic financial decisions and holding senior leaders to account. Senior leaders focus on continuously improving outcomes for children. They monitor operational decisions for evidence of the impact of spending on pupil outcomes. For example, a school journey trip will be analysed to determine its impact on a pupil’s language skills or the pupil premium strategy will be assessed for impact on pupils' progress.

The school collaborates internally between departments and externally with other schools. This allows the school to enhance teaching, help develop new ways of thinking, review existing staffing needs and ensure maximum impact for pupils.


Total income has increased from £5.53 million in 2015-2016 to £7.37 million in 2019-2020 as a result of the school’s expansion and subsequent growth in pupil numbers.

The school’s self-generated income includes income from facilities and services, catering, donations and/or voluntary funds, contributions to visits et cetera. This income stream increased from £4,485 in 2015-16 to £325.7k in 2018-19 before falling to £140.3k due to COVID.  


Total expenditure increased from £5.79 million in 2015-16 to £7.24 million in 2019-20 due to the school’s growth in workforce which was driven by rising pupil numbers. The school’s workforce increased from 93 in 2015-16 to 107 in 2019-20.

Currently, we have one member of staff earning between £100,000 - £110,000 per annum.

Revenue Reserve

The school had a deficit in year revenue balance of -£231.1k in 2015-16. By 2019-20, the school had a surplus of £109k. This equates to a £340K turnaround within 4 years or £85k per annum.

For more information on the school’s financial benchmarking please visit: Schools Financial Benchmarking Information.