Remote Learning
We are an outward thinking school, following current trends and adapting to new learning methods, as part of our ever-changing times. Remote learning has been incorporated as a new method ensuring pupils' education is not disrupted.
At Trinity, we have developed a comprehensive online learning provision, to fulfil the academic needs of our pupils . We continue to use our on-line learning platforms now that we have returned to the classroom.This has provided us with the opportunity to share resources and materials with pupils and parents and enable any pupil to catch up on learning if they miss a lesson for any reason.
The Primary Phase uses Class Dojo. This ensures discussion continues between the teacher and pupil no matter where they are learning.
Microsoft Teams is used by the Secondary Phase. Online homework, revision materials and pre-recorded lessons can be accessed at any time or place.
Our staff can switch to 'live' lessons when needed to ensure our pupils continue to progress no matter what is happening in the world around them. Support is always an email or phone call away - so please do stay in touch with us.