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The Trinity Curriculum Vision

At Trinity we have purposely and deliberately planned our curriculum from Reception to Yr 11 to take account of the school’s strategic intentions as laid out in the annual School Improvement Plan.

We firmly believe in achievement for all regardless of disadvantage or educational need through the vehicle of a coherently planned, sequenced and ambitious curriculum. Throughout their school career at Trinity, pupils will be exposed to a range of activities and experiences which develop their cultural capital. Trinity pupils engage with a rich personal development programme which extends well beyond the academic. Trinity supports pupils to develop in many diverse aspects of life, from preparation for the life of work through to becoming physically and mentally healthy active citizens who value education as a lifelong pursuit.

Our curriculum offer at Trinity is distinctive and unique due to the emphasis we place on our character curriculum through the Trinity Charter booklets, the focus we have on education on social justice issues and the importance we attach to the EBacc being at the heart of our strong academic core. An ambitious and powerful curriculum intent from Reception seeks to address any social disadvantage which may affect our pupils. A rigorous approach to the teaching of reading at all phases underpins the carefully selected knowledge and skills which make up our curriculum content.

Our curriculum intent has been shaped by thorough and ongoing reviews of research-led educational thinking. We endorse the concept of the teacher as an expert in their field and CPD and training further strengthens this, in order to ensure effective systematic teaching produces learners who achieve well, are confident and articulate and look forward to future success in their next steps.  

Trinity Curriculum from Reception to Year 11

  1. At Trinity we believe in a traditional academic curriculum, the intent of which is ambitious in content and consistently high quality in its implementation, resulting in the desired impact of excellent outcomes for pupils, regardless of their phase of education.
  2. The curriculum at Trinity has been carefully planned and sequenced in order that the knowledge and skills developed equip pupils for future learning and employment.
  3. Pupils study a rich curriculum and a wide range of subjects, and choose the subjects they will continue to pursue to examination level after exposure to a high-quality diet of curriculum experiences throughout their time at Trinity.
  4. At Trinity the teaching of reading and the importance attached to the use of text-based materials and resources means that pupils are encouraged to read widely and often, in order to cultivate a confidence and enjoyment in reading.
  5. The curriculum at Trinity extends far beyond just the academic and through our Personal Development Days, Trinity Character Charter, PSHE and careers programmes, pupils are encouraged to develop themselves as independent, confident and healthy members of wider society.
  6. From Yr R to Yr 11, the curriculum at Trinity is led by or planned in liaison with expert subject specialists who have carefully considered its content and have built structured programmes of study which are ambitious in their coverage and content.
  7. At the heart of Key Stage 4 is the EBacc which a large majority of pupils are expected to study, reflecting the significance Trinity places on a broad range of subjects being the gateway to successful Post-16 education and training pathways.
  8. The transfer of knowledge to long-term memory is key to success for pupils and individual subject curricula work to ensure that new knowledge and skills are built on what has been taught and learned before.
  9. Trinity promotes the extensive personal development of individual pupils with a strong focus on cultural capital. Subject leaders identify, through their programmes of study, opportunities for enrichment and extracurricular activities.
  10. High quality Knowledge Organisers compiled by subject leaders are used to regularly test in order to develop and embed the skills of retrieval practice and long term memory.