Our uniform allows us to be seen as a collective community, gives our pupils a clear identity, and is one of our unique selling points. It also promotes a sense of inclusiveness, non-discrimination and equal opportunity. It is vital that pupils come to school in full uniform every day. Please can you check they have their tie and jumper on when they arrive at school. Pupils not wearing the correct uniform will be asked to borrow items from the office and a letter/ text issued. If you have any questions please ask at reception.
Primary Phase Uniform
What type of uniform does my child need?
A uniform list can be seen in the grid above. This has been consulted upon recently and important that all pupils wear the full uniform to school each day. It does include black trousers or skirt. They must wear a white shirt (long or short sleaves) with a school tie. The black school jumper with school logo and plain black school shoes or 'trainer-like' school shoes (no sports logo on the shoes please) must also be worn. The PE kit must come into school in a bag. Pupils will change at school and are allowed to keep the PE kit on to wear home to enable parents to wash the kit. If you would prefer your son / daughters to change out of their PE kit and leave it at school then please talk to your son / daughters class teacher. Please label all items of clothing clearly.
Where do I get uniform?
Trinity uniform is available to purchase from “Wearabouts” in Sydenham. Parents have the option to buy uniform from the store itself or to order from the website and have items delivered to the school office.
To visit “Wearabouts” website to make a purchase online, please click here
Wearabouts Price list 2021 - click here
What if my child loses an item of uniform?
All named items are returned to the appropriate class if they are left in the playground or around the school building. Unnamed lost property is kept in lost property boxes and displayed in the playground at the end of each term. Any items left after this time will be given to charity or recycled. Please label all items of clothing clearly.
What shoes can my child wear?
Ankle length boots are acceptable when the weather gets colder. Sandals can be worn in hotter weather, as long as toes are protected. However, please consider your child's ability to 'be active' during the day when choosing footwear. Footwear that makes it difficult for your child to walk or run around are not advisable. We recommend black school shoes or 'trainer-style' shoes. No trainers with sports logos on them though please.
Thank you for supporting the school values