Meet The Team
Our Trinity Progress Team is committed to ensure every pupil in our school thrives and achieves its utmost academic and personal potential, starting from Early years up to Year 11.
We work closely with our pupils’ families, and we encourage communication between home and school. Feel free to contact us anytime relating to concerns you may have about your child or their time in school.
Together we will ensure that pupils really do ‘live life in all its fullness’.
Ms Clare Shobbrook
Deputy Head/DSL Behaviour and Inclusion
Our mission, to live life in all its fullness, means we need to look after ourselves and each other and this includes mental wellbeing. We are very fortunate to have a full-time counsellor. We have a number of trained Mental Health First Aiders based at both sites. In addition to our mental health and wellbeing team we have our resident Play Therapist and Drama therapist, as well as members of staff who are trained in Draw & Talk Therapy and Lego Therapy. I am proud to say that we are now in our second year of appointing our new team of pupil Wellbeing Ambassadors. Our Terrific Trinitarians play a vital role in our wellbeing structure, as they provide valuable early help to their peers, as well as promote on mental health topics. The team as a whole enables us to tackle mental health and its issues directly through the provisions and curriculum, which supports our whole community. I hope you find the information in this section of the website useful. Please do get in contact with the team or I if you have any enquires or questions.