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Exam Results


Primary School results

End of Year 2024 Outcomes



Lewisham – ‘23

National – ‘23






Pupils at Trinity outperform pupils from other Lewisham schools and schools across the country. Pupils at Trinity are better prepared for the next steps in their education.


Year 1 Phonics


Lewisham – ‘23

National – ‘23






55 pupils sat the KS2 SATS papers in May 2024.

For the third year in a row, Trinity was well above National outcomes and above London outcomes. Trinity is one of the top performing schools in Lewisham and sits comfortably in the top 10% of schools nationally.



2023 / 24


2023 / 24



2023 / 24































Secondary Ready















KS2 Progress *







*Based on nationally recognised FFT figures

Average Scaled Score Reading    107

Average Scaled Score Maths       108

                                               Primary Phase Results

Secondary Exam Results 2023 / 24

We are thrilled to announce the outstanding achievements of our Year 11 pupils from the year of 2023/24. Their exceptional performance in the recent exams has once again placed Trinity at the forefront of academic excellence.

Our preliminary data, which is still being verified, indicates that this year's results surpass those of the previous year. This remarkable progress highlights the dedication and hard work of our pupils, who continue to perform within the top 20% of schools nationally.

Achieving a Grade 9 is a significant accomplishment, as it is awarded to only the top 4% of pupils in the country. We are incredibly proud to share that our pupils have achieved an impressive 55 Grade 9s this year. This achievement is a testament to the value that Trinity adds to our pupils' performance.

For the third consecutive year, our progress remains within the top two of the borough, demonstrating our commitment to academic excellence. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our pupils for their relentless effort and to their parents for their unwavering support.

Congratulations to the Year 11 class of 2023/24 for their remarkable achievements. Well done!

Secondary Exam Results 2022 / 23

Celebrating Academic Excellence: Trinity Family’s Remarkable Achievement

We are thrilled to announce that our students have once again achieved extraordinary results, placing us second from the top among all schools in Lewisham. Our commitment to academic excellence is reflected in our Progress 8 score, which significantly surpasses the average, illustrating the remarkable progress our pupils make from the end of primary school to Year 11.

Our dedication to providing a comprehensive education is highlighted by the fact that 82% of our pupils were entered for the English Baccalaureate. This is a substantial increase over the local authority average of 52%, demonstrating our belief in the potential of every student.

Moreover, our Attainment 8 score stands impressively above 50, outshining the Lewisham average of 45. This score represents the average grade across eight key qualifications, showcasing the high academic standard and hard work of our students.

We take immense pride in our Trinity Family—a community where educators, students, and parents collaborate to create an environment of support and aspiration. These achievements are not just numbers; they are a testament to the dedication and spirit that define our school.

Join us in celebrating this momentous occasion as we continue to nurture the leaders of tomorrow.


Secondary Exam Results 2021/22


Trinity School is delighted to announce our GCSE results for the Class of 2022!

Despite repeated disruption to their schooling across two years, this cohort of pupils have achieved fabulous grades thanks to their dedication, hard work & diligence, and determination to succeed.

As you will have seen from the recent press this year, the number of top grades being awarded has decreased – however at Trinity we saw these increase– 59 individual Grade 9’s were achieved across all subjects by our Yr. 11, totally amazing!

For more information on our school performance please visit the page.

In RE alone, 15 pupils scored Grade 9 with 13 Grade 9’s across English Literature & Language too. 78% of the year group achieved 5 GCSE’s at grades 9-4 including English & Maths at grade 4 or above.

We are so proud of all our pupils who performed brilliantly against their target grades with special congratulations going to Hanna, Britney, Danai & Itunu (all subjects scoring grades 9-7), Katie scoring grade 9 or 8 for all her subjects, Kinthusha scoring grades 7 & 8 for all her subjects and Amanda achieving grade 9 in every one of her 10 individual subjects!  We had a memorable morning with pupils as they celebrated receiving their results on Thursday despite the weather, so many happy faces and pupils sharing their good news with family and friends and then off to enrol for 6th form.

With these terrific results they have the best possible chance of success at post-16 and beyond, and we wish them all the best of luck as they come to the end of their Trinitarian journey. Keep in touch to tell us of how well you are doing!

Secondary Exam Results 2020/21

Exam results 2020 / 2021

As a consequence of the Government’s decision to cancel national exams for the summer term of the academic year 2020-2021 once again there are no performance tables for benchmark school standards. However, we are once again delighted that our cohort of Yr 11 pupils were again able to demonstrate in line with the DfE guidelines their wealth of resilience, commitment to their studies & Trinitarian spirit in ensuring that they provided staff with evidence drawn from a wide variety of sources (classwork, homework, formal assessment papers) to show the grades they were capable of working at and achieving. On the basis of this pupils once again are in receipt of offers for their Post-16 studies ranging from local 6th form colleges, 6th forms of grammar schools & independent school scholarships. We wish all of our Yr. 11 pupils every best wish for their ongoing educational journey and look forward to welcoming them back in the future to share in their continued successes.

Details of results & grades awarded will be available here after 12th August 2021.

JCQ Appeals guidance 2020 - 2021 ofqal STUDENT GUIDE TO AWARDING IN SUMMER 2021

Exam results 2019 /2020

We are extremely proud of all our pupils. It has been a challenging year for all of us, but particularly so for those on their journey towards the exams that are crucial for their progression towards their chosen career path. Our pupils are encouraged to have high expectations of themselves, and we work hard in building pupils confidence and aspirations. To support the schools grading of our pupils their work during the past two years had to be taken into account and their progress and attainment across a wide variety of evidence. The results are exceptional. There will not be any performance tables this year, due to the circumstances we are in, but we wish to share with you some of our individual stories that will help you understand how amazing our pupils are. They truly are Terrific Trinitarians - of which we will not be able to express all their results, but a selection to show our comprehensive nature.

  • Our highest performing pupil has 10 grade 9's, one for every subject he studied. This is the highest grade you can get and is only awarded to the top 3% nationally in each individual subject. This includes English Language, English Literature, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, French, Geography and RE. He also achieved a Distinction* in Engineering as well as an A* in Additional Maths and an A* in Latin during year 10.
  • We had another pupil gain 9 grade 9's, a Grade A* in Additional Maths and Latin as well as 1 grade 8. Pupils tend to get exceptionally high grades in one or several similar subjects, not often across the majority of subjects.
  • A further pupil gained 8 grade 9's with a further 2 qualifications at grade 8 (grade 7 is classed as a grade A).
  • We had a further 13 pupils who gained at least one grade 9 and a mixture of grade 8 and 7's.
  • Around 25% of pupils gained a grade 7 (grade A) or higher in English and Maths. We have a mixture of abilities at Trinity and all worked hard to achieve their highest grades. Grade 5 is classed as a good pass (high grade C / Low grade B) - we had over 60% achieving this across all their subjects and also over 80% of pupils gain a standard pass (grade 4, which is a low C) across their subjects – this is above that announced national average today. We have pupils that also struggle academically at school and these also achieved the grades required to secure their progression onto courses post 16.
  • All pupils have gained qualifications to progress into year 12. Our careers guidance and advice team have worked hard to ensure all our pupils have places offered and will continue to follow them on their continued journey.

We would also like to celebrate the achievements of pupils who left us 2 years ago and went off to sixth form and are now preparing for university.

Amongst those wonderful successes of pupils going on to Higher Education are Charlie Taylor who left Trinity with a Maths scholarship for Sixth Form to Babington College. Charlie achieved amazing A Level results A*A*A and is now going on to do a degree apprenticeship in Electronic Engineering with a company called Thales. Charlie will do his BSc in Electronic Engineering with Southbank University whilst working with Thales in their Stratford office. This opportunity pays a salary as well as sponsoring his university fees.

Congratulations to Ezra Standing who, having achieved A*A*B at A Level, has secured a place at Durham University.

Trinity is also immensely proud of our two Oxbridge candidates. Juan Garcia Valencia achieved A*A*A* A in his A Levels and is starting at St Hilda’s College, Oxford to read Geography.

Joash Hanciles achieved A*A*A and goes on to read Classics at Cambridge.

We wish all our alumni the best of luck and look forward to hearing from them in the future and having them return to Trinity to inspire our pupils to work hard and aspire to be the very best they can be.

Secondary Exam Results 2018 / 19

We are extremely proud of our pupils - please find a summary of our exam results below. Some key highlights include:

  • 100% of pupils taking Computer Science achieving grade 7 or above (Grade A or higher)
  • 100% of pupils taking French, Portuguese, Chinese and Polish achieving grade 7 or above (Grade A or higher)

Out of all the subjects taught we wish to draw your attention to the following 16 including English, Maths, Science and RE getting a grade 4+ (equivalent to a C) or higher:

  • 100% Food and cookery
  • 100% Craft
  • 100% Health and Fitness
  • 86% Biology
  • 87% Chemistry
  • 82% Physics
  • 72% Statistics
  • 68% English
  • 67% Geography
  • 65% RE
  • 65% Maths

We also had great success from Art, History, Spanish and PE.

We also have pupils study for qualifications that do not appear in the Progress 8 or Attainment 8 tables, as they are specific qualifications. This includes Latin, Finance and Additional Maths (which is an A Level bridging course). We also offer home languages as a qualification for pupils who are multi-lingual.

Regardless of their starting point from their KS2 SATS results, the vast majority of pupils made progress during their academic journey through to the end of year 11. The government’s benchmark measure of Progress 8 (P8) gives an overall numerical figure for the school for this progress from KS2 but it does not take into account any contextual background information or personal circumstances for any pupil.

At Trinity we pride ourselves that we take a holistic view of everything that we can offer a child in addition to their exam results and no matter how challenging the circumstances, we ensured that all pupils had a good post 16 provision that suited their needs to go to.

Our range and variety of post 16 provisions continues to grow this year. Pupils are making informed choices about the places they move on to. As a result of the personalised progression pathway programme, we are seeing pupils choose a variety of post 16 options which best suit their needs, their learning style and their plans for the future. We had several pupils compete for a place at Lancing college, which is a prestigious sixth form boarding school in Brighton. We usually only get one place offered but due to the excellent calibre of our pupils two Trinitarians have full scholarships. On top of this we had a further 13 pupils go on to gain either scholarships or gain places within selective sixth form institutions. The majority of pupils go on to study A levels and all our pupils have destinations post Trinity. Our support for our pupils continues even after they have left.

Secondary Exam Results 2017 / 18

Trinity pupils rose to the challenge of the new more academically rigorous GCSE exams in all subjects this year by achieving some excellent results across a wide range of subjects. A comprehensive school, Trinity has a true mix of pupils ranging from those who are academically able through to those that struggle with reading and writing. Support and intervention is specific to each individual. As a small school we are able to tailor the support to meet the needs of each pupil. For the link to the Department For Education (DFE) data site please see the bottom of this page.

Destinations data shows for the third year in a row we have 25% of our cohort moving on to grammar schools and take up scholarships at Independent schools. Around 70% go on to study A Levels and the rest go on to do a mix of apprenticeships, Level 3 vocational qualifications and combined A Level and vocational courses. We support pupils in their choices.

A8 (Attainment 8) comes out at 46.4 which is above the England average and that of Lewisham.

P8 (Progress 8) is significantly better than last year and in-line with National Average. The provisional data indicates that we are within the statistical average for England with a score of -0.13. This does not include all our exam results and all of the remarks - where our internal data set has this data uploaded indicates we are +0.06. You can compare us with national data sets using the link at the bottom of this page.

  • English 4 + = 76%
  • English 5+ = 58%
  • Maths 4 + = 78%
  • Maths 5 + = 54%
  • English and Maths 4+ = 71%
  • English and Maths 5+ = 42%

English Baccalaureate (Ebacc) - 70% were entered for the Ebacc suite of qualifications. This includes English, Maths, Science, either History or Geography and a Modern Foreign Language. Average Point Score (APS) was 4.3.

Individual Pupil Success

  • Two students achieved five Grade 9's and three Grade 8's. One has a full scholarship at the City of London School and the other secured a place to study 4 A Levels at a local grammar school.
  • Another achieved four Grade 9's and five Grade 8's – he has a full scholarship to Colfes.
  • 12% of the whole year gained a selection of grade 9’s (highest achieving grade- top 4% of the country) as well 21% of the cohort achieving a selection of Grade 8 qualifications. Grade 7 is equivalent to the old grade A – and we had 41% of the cohort get at least one grade 7or higher.
  • We have 3 pupils who achieved the highest grade in the Free Standing Maths Qualification (which is at the same level as A Level maths) - all of which have sixth form places in independent or grammar schools.
  • This is just a selection of the successes we had this academic year. We work tirelessly to ensure all our pupils have a secured destination and we follow their achievements as they progress post 18. From two years ago we have 2 pupils going on to Cambridge University, with a further large group moving onto Russell Group Universities – including some going onto Medicine. We have also heard about numerous past pupils securing apprenticeships and jobs after sixth form. Our pupils’ successes prove that they truly are terrific Trinitarians.

Individual subject success

Art 4+ = 68%

Physics 4+ = 95%

RE 4+ = 65%

Biology 4+ = 91%

Computer Science 7+ = 100%

History 4+ = 65%

Chemistry 4+ = 91%

Music 4+ = 83%

Statistics 4+ = 100%

Primary Outcomes

Please click on the link at the bottom of the page to compare our results with national data for both Primary and Secondary. If you wish to see our internal primary data please click here.

Secondary Exam Results 2016/17

We are extremely proud of the successes and achievements of all our pupils. All have gained places Post 16, many at Grammar and Independent (a quarter).

  • 5 GCSE subjects (including English and maths) above grade C (new grade 4) = 64%. [Grammar stream = 100%]
  • Proportion of students getting A-C in both English AND maths (4+) = 69%
  • Proportion of students getting A-C (grade 4 and above) in English= 78%
  • Proportion of students getting A-C (grade 4 and above) in maths = 78%
  • Proportion of students getting 5+ A*-A grades = 18%
  • 57 grade 8 and 9’s (equivalent to A* and higher) in English and Maths – the grade 9 is achieved by the top 3% in the country.
  • Attainment 8 = 46.33 = C+
  • Progress 8 = -0.43 for the whole year group. As a small school the impact of a very small number of pupils can be disproportionate on the whole school outcome. If we were to remove 5 pupils with specific circumstances then our P8 becomes -0.09 . We are a comprehensive school where we take pupils from a wide spectrum of abilities. Our curriculum stretches all pupils irrespective of their starting point.