Governing Body
The Role of the Governing Body
The Trinity All Through School Governing Body provides strategic leadership and accountability for the school.
Its Functions and Responsibilities
Its main functions are to;
- To provide a strategic overview that ensures the pupils learn most effectively and achieve the highest standards
- Act as a “critical friend” of the school by providing the Executive Headteacher, Head of Primary and staff with support, advice and information and monitor and evaluate the school’s effectiveness and promote the interests of the school and its pupils.
- To ensure accountability. We are accountable to parents, pupils, the community, the Diocese, Local Authority and Ofsted
It is also responsible for many important decisions in the running of the school. These include:
- Appointing the Executive Headteacher and Senior Leaders. Governors are also involved in the appointment of teaching staff as appropriate.
- Agreeing the aims of the school curriculum and ensuring the national curriculum is implemented
- Determining how the school’s budget is to be used each year
- Dealing with official complaints and exclusions
Our Governors
Our governing body comprises :
- The Executive Headteacher;
- 1 elected staff governor;
- 2 elected parent governors;
- 1 governor nominated by the local authority;
- 1 co-opted governor; and
- 8 Foundation governors.
The staff governor is elected by the staff and normally serves for 4 years.The parent governors are elected to serve the Governing Body by parents of the school and normally serve for 4 years.Parent governors are pleased to hear about views and ideas and can be contacted in writing via the school office.Foundation governors are appointed by the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education, East Lewisham Deanery and Good Shepherd PCC.
The co-opted governor is invited onto the Governing Body, by the Governing Body, to add areas of expertise and to represent the local community. We use a robust set of skills audits to ascertain the requirements and expertise required by the governing body.
A full list of the governors as well as information about their appointment, committee membership, attendance, and the Register of Business interests is available below.
As the new term starts, we add three fantastic new Governors to the board.
Janet Hills MBE is our new Co Chair and will be working with our existing Chair Moira Cuthbert. Janet Hills was the chairperson of the metropolitan Black Police Association and a serving police officer for over 30 years. Janel is also the Head Coach at Swanley netball club and is passionate about women and young girls participating in sport and wants to make netball accessible for all.
Dean Gordon is currently the federation headteacher for two Lewisham primary schools. He is an active and vocal race equality advocate, a member of Lewisham Race Equality Steering group and advocates for the pupils in the borough who are most disadvantaged by the inequalities of the system within which we operate.
Rachel Smith’s background is in the civil service. For 12 years, she was a strategy and policy adviser at the Department of Health and also worked in outpatient service management at a local NHS hospital. Since 2017, she has been an admission's adviser at Goldsmiths, University of London focussing on arts and humanities degrees. She has lived in Lewisham for over 10 years and has two children at Trinity Primary, currently in Year 5 and Year 3.
Contact the Governors
To contact the governors please write to them care of the school or email with clear instructions on whom the message is for:
The Structure
The full governing body meet formally 4 times a year. We also have 3 committees that meet 3 times a year each:
- Curriculum and Standards
- Faith
- Finances, Resources and Staffing
- Risk Assessment
On top of this structure we have a subgroup that meet once a year with regard to Staff pay and a group that set and monitor targets for the Executive Headteacher. All the governors are called upon for behaviour panels and appeals.