Remote Learning Offer
To find our our through school offer please click on the diagram below.
Start of Term arrangements
Staff are back for training on Wednesday 2nd of September. We then have induction for Year R and Year 7 on the Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th of September. All pupils should return to school on Monday 7th September. We have worked hard to make sure our school is ready for all pupils to return and a detailed letter was sent to all families in July. We will be having different start and end times for each year groups as well as different entry points. Every entrance and every classroom has a wall mounted hand sanitiser that pupils will be required to use. Each year group is a separate bubble and will be kept apart from other year groups - which is why it is vital that pupils arrive at the correct time window and at the correct entrance. We have detailed plans to ensure pupils get their break and lunch times without mixing between bubbles as well - again this was explained in all the letters that we sent out at the end of last term. Please click here for a copy of the specific detailed letters that were sent out.
- Letter from Lewisham about return to school - click here
- Information about returning to school from Lewisham authority - click here
- Government advice for Primary parents from the DFE - click here
- Government advice for Secondary parents from the DFE - click here
Coronavirus (COVID-19) / Homelearning
COVID 19 has not gone and at Trinity we take the health and safety of our school community extremely seriously. We have worked with Health England, the Department for Education, Lewisham Local Authority and the Diocese to make sure all our practices fulfil the guidelines and that our buildings are safe for all to attend. Procedures are in place if anyone does get ill and if we have to close specific bubbles down due to any developments we have plans in place to enable this to happen and for pupils to continue to learn from home. The primary phase will be directed straight away to specific online work and the secondary phase will all be logged into TEAMS to ensure their teachers can deliver lessons if we have to close down. During the first two weeks of term we will ensure all secondary pupils have logged into TEAMS and know how to use it. Teachers will be using this throughout the year to set homework on and also to develop some pre-learning resources. Humanities are trialling some small video's for pupils to watch each week before their learning to help develop their understanding before the teacher begins in class. All of this will support the fluid use of technology along with live learning at Trinity.
Some additional websites you can use to support home learning can be found below:
- Matheletics
- DrFrost (maths)
- Maths watch
- Corbett Maths (primary and secondary)
- PIXL Maths App (TS304, LOGIN: Surname and first initial, PASSWORD: first name)
- Seneca Learning
- BBC Bitesize KS1
- BBC Bitesize KS2
- BBC Bitesize KS3
- BBC Bitesize GCSE
- CommonLit - reading used for year 7 and 8
- TrueTube Videos (RE and Citizenship support)
Thank you for your continued support at this time.
David Lucas
Lateral testing at Trinity
We are working with Public Health England on setting up the lateral testing within Trinity. This is for the secondary phase only to start with. Training will be provided for this testing, and only where permission has been given will testing be carried out weekly within the school. Permission letters will be sent out to families on the 4th of January. It is highly recommended that pupils have this test. Further details from the DFE will follow (Department for Education). All those with permission will be tested before they start and then weekly thereafter. This test helps us identify pupils who are asymptomatic (who have the virus but without any symptoms). Those with symptoms should still follow the normal arrangements of staying at home and getting a full test. Those that are direct contact of anyone testing positive can then either self isolate or get 7 school days of testing within school to help keep pupils in full time education. This has been trialled in many schools, including Sedgehill, very successfully. All staff will also be tested weekly. The aim is to keep the whole school community as safe as we possibly can.
Testing positive / awaiting a test at home
If someone in the household is getting tested / awaiting a test result please make sure everyone living in the household stays at home until the test result arrives. If positive then the whole house has to isolate for 10 days. If negative everyone can go back to school / work. Please do not send in pupils if they have symptoms or someone else in your family have symptoms - please get a test straight away and await the result. This helps protect the whole community.