Relationships and Health Education
To deliver the RSE content as set out in the national curriculum and by the DfE.
Our relationships and health curriculum is delivered during one week each half-term. Each half-term we have a new topic: Healthy and Happy Friendships, Similarities and Differences, Caring and Responsibilities, Families and Committed Relationships, Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds, Coping with Change.
For our pupils to:
- Understand the importance of building and recognising heathy relationships
- To feel confident to talk about personal issues that relate to mental wellbeing
- Have an understanding of the physical and mental changes that occur to children throughout their primary journey and into adolescence
- To become knowledgeable, understanding and compassionate individuals who can relate to others and be supportive members of our community
- To create a community that is actively anti-racist and challenges discrimination and prejudice in all its forms
Progression and Sequencing
Healthy and Happy Friendships
Similarities and Differences
Caring and Responsibilities
Families and Committed Relationships
Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds
Coping with Change