Primary Phase
To deliver the history content as set out in the national curriculum.
Through a progress model of thematic learning, including a wide range of excursions, pupils are taught about key historical events chronologically from Reception through to Year 6, with specific vocabulary and knowledge clearly mapped.
For our pupils to:
- Be inspired to enquire about the past and the wider world.
- Become independent thinkers with the skills to question, to think critically and to analyse sources.
- Have an understanding of local and global society and how they have changed over time.
- Have an awareness of the impact that past events can have on the present and future.
- Have a broad knowledge of social issues in an evolving society.
Progression and Sequencing
Historical topics have been chosen to ensure that the subject content of the national curriculum is delivered, alongside securing the children's knowledge of historical events that have impacted our own locality or the unique demographic of our school.
As is laid out in the national curriculum, historical periods are taught broadly in chronological order, to reinforce pupils' understanding of time and order.
Through a progress model of thematic learning, the children will revisit key historical concepts during each topic that has a history driver. These key concepts are:
These are used to link the knowledge that is learnt and ensure that children's historical schema is being developed.
See the attachment below for this document.
Knowledge Organisers
Key historical dates form the 'driver facts' on all history knowledge organisers.
Key vocabulary has also been mapped to ensure that both abstract historical terms and era specific vocabulary is explicitly taught.