The Careers programme at Trinity ensures that pupils are well-informed and ambitious about the variety of pathways and opportunities available. Pupils are confident in their careers literacy and so are confident in the skills and attributes they have to offer in the workplace. This enables them to make good life choices and flourish in the global community in which we live.
We use the Gatsby benchmarks to guide and monitor the careers provision in school. This ensures our offer is of high quality and is constantly being updated and improved in line with the changing labour market and with the needs and aspirations of pupils at the centre of everything we do.
1: A stable Careers Programme.
- SLT lead and Governor link on CEIAG
- Dedicated Careers Support Officer employed
- Careers programme reviewed annually and published on website
- Feedback from external providers/school staff/pupil questionnaire/parent forum
- Targeted information to parents on careers events
- Use of feedback to monitor and improve the offer
- Use of the START online careers programme accessed by pupils parents and staff
- Use of TEAMS as additional information platform which is updated weekly for all pupils and parents
- Completion of the Teach First CELP careers programme has resulted in a documented framework and progression map for Trinity.
2: Learning from career and labour market information.
- Trinity Futures focus on STEM, Apprenticeships and jobs of the future
- Year 8 and 10 independent careers guidance sessions
- 1-1 options advice session with Senior staff
- Parent Information Evening
- Website information
- Careers Champion in curriculum areas work with subject specific LMI to inform their careers curriculum.
- START programme means pupils, parents and staff have constant access to the most up to date LMI.
3: Addressing the needs of each student.
- Trinity Futures programme uses many different employers
- Use of female role models to challenge stereotypes
- Career trips and visits which broaden horizons and challenge stereotypes
- University links and visits across both Key Stages 3 and 4
- Use of TEAMS to create year group channels with bespoke material tailored to the needs of each stage
- Targeted groups careers opportunities
- Apprenticeship talks and workshops
- Records of 1-1 IAG sessions with focused intervention where appropriate. Data shared with parents
- Destinations data recorded annually
- Data shared with whole staff to inform planning
- Date analysed to inform tailored development of careers programme
4: Linking curriculum learning to careers.
- Trinity Futures focus on STEM and careers of the future
- Trip to The Big Bang Fair
- Trips to other STEM promotion activities such as Girls in Stem event
- Girls in ICT focus with ICT teacher leading Girls focussed project
- Subject specific Careers champions
- Subject careers noticeboards updated regularly
- Curriculum areas lead careers events during Trinity Futures and throughout the year
- Trinity Character Charter has dedicated careers focus embedded within
5: Encounters with employers and employees.
- Trinity Futures ensures a diverse range of employers encounters for pupils
- The Own Find element of the Work Experience programme encourages pupils to engage with employers on a personal level
- Annual Careers speed Networking event
- Annual Employability Day with Barclay’s employees
- Use of TEAMS to deliver live and online eg with Sony/ATV Music Publishing
6: Experience of workplaces.
- All Year 10 complete a two-week Work Experience placement
- Preparation for Work Experience programme delivered to Year 10
- The Own Find element of the Work Experience programme encourages pupils to engage with employers on a personal level
- Subject specific trips and visits to the workplace run by curriculum areas
- In house employer directory used to support groups to find appropriate work experience
- Use of TEAMS to deliver talks from industry both live and online eg Speakers 4 Schools
7: Encounters with further and higher education.
- Trinity Futures programme has a number of FE and HA encounter opportunities built in
- Year 10 Progression event at Christ the King Sixth Form College
- Use of TEAMS to share a range of Post 16 Progression information
- Goldsmiths and Greenwich University visits for both KS3 and KS4
- Workshop programme with LSE
- Oxbridge trip
- Sixth Form roadshows and recruitment talks
- The High Flyers programme prepares our High Attainers for scholarship applications at partner Independent school
- We have a partnership with local FE college LESECO
8: Personal guidance.
- 1-1 Options advice interviews with senior staff
- Year 8 small group IAG with independent careers adviser
- Year 10 1-1 IAG session with independent careers advisor
- Additional 1-1 IAG sessions for groups and vulnerable pupils in Year 11
- Careers programme embedded as part of Trinity Character Charter and PSHEE curriculum
- Year 10 and 11 Progression Programmes taught through Family Group time
- Use of TEAMS to share stage specific CEIAG including Post 16 Progression information